Embarking on the Web Development Journey: GECACS – Weaving a Digital Tapestry for Guild Equipment Management
In this blog series, I’ll delve into the exciting world of web development as I embark on the creation of GECACS (Guild Equipment Check-out and Control System) for the Fredericksburg Spinners and Weavers Guild. I have never developed a web application before, so I’m going to use ChatGPT 3.5 to guild me through the process.
In addition to ChatGPT, some of the other tools I will use include GitHub, JIRA, Google Colab, Google Firebase, Python, and WordPress. Since I like to learn new things, I’m thinking of going with Google’s Firebase Realtime Database for my data handling needs.
Why am I doing this?
Many years ago I elected to use the Forminator plug-in to create a check-out form for our guild members to use when they wanted to check-out equipment. The problem is that there was no way for the member or librarian to document the equipment had been turned back in. Trying to associate the check-out form with a check-in was becoming difficult for our librarian to keep up with. Since I am the guild’s “technology officer” and with my data science background, it seamed like a natural option to develop a solutions that would showcase my current skills and help me develop new ones.